Thursday, September 16, 2010

Biking and busing adventures this week

Today my daughter and I rode our bicycles across town to the local bicycle shop. She needed a new seat and repairs to her bike so we left it there and took the bus home. We got to ride on a brand new bus, a 2010 model. It was the drivers first time to drive it. It was a very nice bus with a bicycle rack in front which I used for my bike. The new bus was a low floor model, no steps. I really need to take my camera on these little trips.

Yesterday my husband actually wanted to ride bikes with me and we rode to McDonalds where he scarfed up some egg mcmuffins and I had an iced coffee.

The day before I had a violin student who arrived by bike. I decided to ride with her back to her house and it was a good thing I did because her pant leg got caught in her chain and pulled her chain off. I helped her get her pant leg out, fixed her chain back on and loaned her a bandanna to tie up her pant leg so it wouldn't get caught again.

Last week I got my new rear lights. Two cateyes. I had a headlight but no taillights and there is a freeway underpass which always scares me that motorists won't notice me so I am happy to have my bright taillights.

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